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HOSA members are encouraged to take full advantage of the HOSA and the Competitive Events Program. Competition begins at the district level, where HOSA members get to compete with other members within their district.


Visit Ms. Tah @Rm 309 and register by October 6th 


Complete Online Proctor w/Ms. Terry Cybrary October 24th-28th


Regional Leadership Conference: Saturday, November 5, at Forsyth Career Center, Winston Salem, NC


Visit Ms. Tah @Rm 309 and register by February 4th 


Registration Fees per person: $80 (without hotel/meal)


State Leadership Conference: April 12-15, at Sheraton Four Seasons, Greensboro



Registration Deadline: TBA


Registration Fee per person: TBA


International Leadership Conference: TBA

More information at



Competition System

HOSA members are encouraged to take full advantage of the International and NC HOSA Competitive Events Program, a constantly expanding and improving series of healthcare-related competitive events. In order to participate in a competitive event, a student must be a secondary, or post-secondary/collegiate or middle school active HOSA member. The top 3 competitors at the area conference will advance to state competition and the top 3 competitors at state conference will have the opportunity to compete at the international conference. HOSA members may enter only one competitive event. In addition, competitors may participate in as many Recognition Events as they wish.

Choosing Your Event
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Competitive Events Dress: Delegates must adhere to the policy as specified in the individual competitive event guidelines for the orientation and event in which they are competing. If the competitive event guidelines identify business attire is appropriate, competitors can either wear the official HOSA uniform or any of the following dress is acceptable (color is not specified for clothing or shoes for competition):

  • Black or navy-blue suit or black knee length dress 

  • Matching slacks or knee-length skirt

  • White, closed-neck or blouse tailored dress shirt suitable 

for tie or scarf

  • Accents: maroon HOSA scarf or maroon/navy long tie


  • Closed-toe blue or black shoes (hose optional for women)

  • Belt (blue or black)

  • Head covers that are required for religious purposes or to honor cultural tradition are allowed

For more information please contact Ms. Tah or search up the dress code.

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Dress Code Policy
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